Arturo Mantecón

Arturo Mantecón is a poet, story writer and translator. His poetry has been published here and there. A collection of his short stories, Memories, Cuentos Verídicos, y Otras Outright Lies, was published by En Casa in 2014.
He has translated the poetry and prose of the mad Spanish poeta maldito, Leopoldo María Panero, in three collections: My Naked Brain (Swan Scythe Press, 2011), Like an eye in the hand of a beggar (Editions Michel Eyquem, 2013), and Rosa Enferma / The Sick Rose (Swan Scythe Press, 2016).
He has also translated the prose and poetry of the uniquely erudite Spanish writer, champion poker player and ornithologist, Francisco Ferrer Lerín in a volume titled Chance Encounters and Waking Dreams (Editions Michel Eyquem, 2016).
He is currently working on translating the work of Mario Santiago Papasquiaro, the Mexican infra-realist poet, and a volume of these translations is due out in 2018.


  Alfred Arteaga We could talk about how his heart was taught the secrets of the serpent’s tail. We could confer hours incalculable upon the small chamber that holds the ultimately unknowable blue bed embodied within his very core and how our own beetle and bug infested poor mats and cots and bags of straw […]

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