Dear Prof. Manuel M. Martín-Rodriguez and Alternative Publications,
I have found your website, the materials that you publish, and your sensitive and creative methods of selecting those materials and making them available, to be the most valuable of all the web sites of your sort that I am acquainted with. This is a wonderful site and I say this as the director of the Hispanic Research Center and of our Publications and Product Development division, founded in 1973 with hundreds of titles published in traditional hardcover/softcover or electronic formats such as DVDs. We also maintain 12 separate websites in the sciences, engineering, arts, and humanities and have an annual budget in the millions of dollars. But your website fills a very important need that no one else is going to easily do and no one at all will do as well as you do, in my judgment.
Yet, that was yesterday’s praise!
Beginning with your publication of the earliest works by Rolando Hinojosa, you have now entered into a new domain, namely as a resource of state-of-the-art research and scholarly review of resources that are available nowhere else in any physical locality or in cyberspace.
Your Alternative Publications has become such an important resource for professors that we must do everything that we can to see that you are able to continue your work for the long-term future.
My sincerest congratulations and my deepest respect
Prof. Gary Francisco Keller, AZ
AlternaCtive publicaCtions preserves the power, diversity and genius of la gente creativa. Delighted to see Mary Sue Galindo’s La Llorona Chronicles here too. What a great Christmas gift that keeps on giving!
Carmen Tafolla, TX
Estimado Manuel: Muchas felicitaciones por crear una posibilidad alternativa de publicación.
Francisco X. Alarcón, CA
Enhorabuena, Manuel——muchas felicitaciones por esta nueva publicación en vuestra biblioteca que es de verdad estupenda
Boris Vejdovsky, Switzerland
Your ALTERNATIVE PUBLICATIONS appears the best new way of providing writers, established and new, excellent exposure for their work. If the network grows and friends continue to tell others, I can see the day when writers will be lining up for a two-month display on the internet.
Marco Portales, TX
Amigo Manuel: Te felicito por la serie de publicaciones.
Seymour Menton, CA
Felicidades, Manuel
Marc Zimmerman, TX
In the hopefully not-too-distant future I hope to return to England and work at a university there teaching Spanish language and Chicano/Latino culture, and this is just the kind of innovative project that I see being an important part of education in the future – virtual tasks, access to online materials and resources and projects using them, etc., to engage students and make the most of their internet skills.
Alana Jackson, Spain
Great Site!!! Si todos los que entregan su obra creativa son como el primero: Rubén Medina: Nomadic Nation / Nación Nómada AlternaCtive PublicaCtions tendrá mucho éxito. I look forward to the next featured writer.
Donaldo Urioste, CA
La idea de esta red de información y divulgación me parece fantástica.
Fernando Rodríguez-Valls, CA
Congratulations and thank you for this great idea! I am eagerly waiting fort he next publication. Chic. Lit. and its authors just needed this effort.
Heiner Bus, Germany
This virtual press is such a great idea! It looks very interesting and very real.
Partow Hooshmandrad, Iraq
All I can say is “WOW!” This is exactly what we need to bridge that gap between all of the talented writers out there searching for opportunities and those busy publishers that don’t have the time to give everyone an opportunity. This will be such a great tool for all of us! Bravo!
Jenni Scott, TX
Congratulations on launching this site! I look forward to coming back and
reading with care what it offers.
Francisco Aragon, DC
Congrats on what looks like a great and important new online journal!
Maia Ipp, CA
I love Medina’s “Partida de Tres”: I like all three el que se va, los que se quedan, y aun mas, los que van y vienen: “volvemos a matizar”
“Mapa del Dia”- I’ll never look at my fingernails the same way again!
Quoting “You bring out the Mexican in me” aroused my curiousity and I found her book and read it.
“Applying for Citizenship”: if only. voy a recomendar este poema a mucha gente, incluyendo “the unapologetic mexican,” entre otros. Thank you for generously posting this poetry.
Beth Hernandez, CA
Felicitaciones, Manuel. Me parece en buena hora…
Ron Arias, CA
Bravo! I love the site and the idea….saludos!
Norma E. Cantú, TX
Ajua! Get after those readers who love reading, and here’s to infecting a few others who don’t yet, but shall.
Michael Sedano
Congratulations Manuel, This is a handsome design as well.
Gary D. Keller, AZ
Enhorabuena por esta iniciativa tan inovadora como interesante.
Mucha suerte en esta nueva empresa y gracias por compartirla con nosotros.
Natalie Bléser, Spain
Felicidades por iniciar este projecto tan importante
Charles Tatum, AZ