Marcos Pico Rentería

Marcos Pico Rentería attended the University of Nevada, Reno where he earned his B.A. and M.A. in Foreign Languages and Literatures, Spanish. Later he attended Arizona State University where he earned his doctorate degree with an emphasis in Latin-American Literature and Culture. Dr. Pico Rentería has taught at different institutions including University of Nevada, Reno, Arizona State University, Grand Canyon University, and currently he is an Assistant Professor at the Defense Language Institute - Foreign Language Center in Monterey, California. His works can be found in different online and paper publications such as Eñe, Revista y, Digo.palabra.txt, Nuestra Aparente Rendición, La Santa Crítica, Vozed, Primera Página Revista, Aurora Boreal, Caleidoscópio: literatura e tradução, Revista Surco Sur, and Confluencia.

Where is Joaquín?

Where is Joaquín?CARTA ABIERTA “lost in … the whirl of a gringo … modern society”   I am Joaquín Rodolfo “Corky” Gonzales A la memoria de Vanessa Guillén En el sonoro Arjé; ventoso, asfixiado: Fear no more the word you speak, In a place where no soul can rest from evil, Retaining the self as […]

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