Carlos Ponce Meléndez

Carlos Ponce Meléndez's poems have appeared in The Dreamcatcher, The Poet, Voices Along the River, Desahogate, Small Brushes, The Texas Observer, El Ángel, and Celebrate, among others, and several anthologies and numerous Spanish magazines. Mr. Ponce is also the author of the short stories book in Spanish, Pláticas de mi barrio, and of the novel El gringo hispano. In his writings, Ponce incorporates his experiences as a social scientist, journalist and professor in the U. S. and México, and a novel, El Gringo Hispano. In his writings, Ponce incorporates his experiences as social scientist, journalist and professor in the US and in México.

Yo escribo porque tengo coraje

YO ESCRIBO PORQUE TENGO CORAJE ¿A poco no te pasa? A veces quieres escribir una historia que se te ocurre y que te parece genial pero cuando te sientas y la comienzas a escribir piensas: pero qué pendejada estoy diciendo, esto es una mierda, ¿a quién le va a interesar este cuento? Yo por eso […]

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