DERECHO INTERNACIONAL Nacido en 1973, con derecho a televisión y sudadera de algodón. Hoy con derecho a levantarme temprano, si me da la gana, y pasearme bajo los puentes de Delhi entre otros nacidos en 1973, que duermen. sin derechos, sin televisión y sin sudaderas de algodón. DOWNLOAD THE PDF TO READ ALL THE POEMS […]
Álvaro Martínez Lacabe
Born in Pamplona at the end of Franco's dictatorship, Alvaro Martinez Lacabe was given Marco Polo’s El libro de las maravillas at the age of ten. When he was 16 years old, On the Road by Jack Kerouac became his bedside book for years. After being part of the anti-military / draft movement in Spain he travelled around Europe, India, Nepal and North Africa. He was member of the poetry collective Inverso Troupe, which produced a CD of music and poetry, in which some of Alvaro’s poems were released. The group tried to take poetry to bars and to the streets. After that, Alvaro came to Merced, California, where he graduated with honours at the State Universiy of California Stanislaus.